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wrought 'iron

  • 1 wrought iron

    آهن‌ كار شده‌ ، آهني‌ كه‌ كمتر از سه‌ درصد ذغال‌ داردو و خيلي‌ سخت‌ و چكش‌ خور است‌

    English to Farsi dictionary > wrought iron

См. также в других словарях:

  • Wrought iron — is commercially pure iron. In contrast to steel, it has a very low carbon content. It is a fibrous material due to the slag inclusions (a normal constituent). This is also what gives it a grain resembling wood, which is visible when it is etched… …   Wikipedia

  • wrought iron — wrought iron, adj. a form of iron, almost entirely free of carbon and having a fibrous structure including a uniformly distributed slag content, that is readily forged and welded. [1670 80] * * * One of the two forms in which iron is obtained by… …   Universalium

  • Wrought iron — Iron I ron ([imac] [u^]rn), n. [OE. iren, AS. [=i]ren, [=i]sen, [=i]sern; akin to D. ijzer, OS. [=i]sarn, OHG. [=i]sarn, [=i]san, G. eisen, Icel. [=i]sarn, j[=a]rn, Sw. & Dan. jern, and perh. to E. ice; cf. Ir. iarann, W. haiarn, Armor. houarn.]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • wrought iron — Iron I ron ([imac] [u^]rn), n. [OE. iren, AS. [=i]ren, [=i]sen, [=i]sern; akin to D. ijzer, OS. [=i]sarn, OHG. [=i]sarn, [=i]san, G. eisen, Icel. [=i]sarn, j[=a]rn, Sw. & Dan. jern, and perh. to E. ice; cf. Ir. iarann, W. haiarn, Armor. houarn.]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Wrought iron — Wrought Wrought, a. Worked; elaborated; not rough or crude. [1913 Webster] {Wrought iron}. See under {Iron}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • wrought iron — n. a kind of iron that contains some slag and very little carbon: it is resistant to corrosion, tough, and ductile, and is used in fences, grating, rivets, etc. wrought iron adj …   English World dictionary

  • wrought-iron — wroughtˈ iron adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑wrought …   Useful english dictionary

  • wrought iron — n [U] long thin pieces of iron formed into shapes to make gates, fences etc …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • wrought iron — noun uncount iron used for making things such as fences and gates, especially for decoration …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • wrought iron — ► NOUN ▪ a tough malleable form of iron suitable for forging or rolling rather than casting …   English terms dictionary

  • Wrought iron — Wrought iron. См. Сварочное железо. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) …   Словарь металлургических терминов

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